The Авиаракетно-space industry. The largest English company in this branch - " Бритиш аэроспейс ", substantially монополизировавшая manufacture of space engineering in the country, borrows(occupies) 9 place in the world on a sales volume among the aerospace companies.
She(it) - the second in the world on manufacture of flying devices. Specializes on manufacture of civil and military planes, participates in development and manufacture of communication satellites. Other known English company - "Rolls-Royce" - takes conducting place in the world on a sales volume in the space industry. Its(her) basic production - the aviation engines using excellent(different) reputation in the world market. Motor industry. The automobile companies of the Great Britain also borrow(occupy) one of conducting places in the world on manufacture of automobiles. It first of all companies BL, " Гест кин энд нетлфолдз, making parts and units of automobiles, the company " Лукас индастриз ". A petroleum industry. Among the petroleum monopolies of the Great Britain borrowing(occupying) strong positions in the industry of the capitalist world, are the mixed англо-Dutch company " Ройял датч-Шелл ", English " Бритиш петролеум ", "Алтремар", " Берма ойл ", "Бритойл". " Ройял датч-Шелл " - the second in the world the petroleum company - conceded to only American company " ex-dream ". " Бритиш петролеум " heads the list of the large industrial companies of the Great Britain. She(it) has oil refining factories in 19 countries, unites affiliated firms in 70 countries. The food-processing industry. In this branch the West-European companies among which there is «??a?n?¬«-English concern " Юнилевер " and the English concern " BATH индастриз " are in the lead. From 62 largest companies of the food-processing industry which are included in the list of companies - billionaires, 15 companies are English. It testifies to a leading position of the large English companies in the given branch, is especial in manufacture of margarine, dairy products, tobacco products, drinks. " Юнилевер " takes the second place in the world on manufacture of tea and mixed fodders, the third - fourth place on processing fruit, vegetables, fishes. The English co-owner of concern the holding - company " Юнилевер ПЛК " operates basically in the Great Britain and in the countries of Commonwealth. " BATH индастриз " - the largest company in the food-processing industry of the Great Britain. Is the largest in the world the manufacturer and the exporter of tobacco products, supervises 20 percents of the world(global) capitalist market of cigarettes. The radio-electronic and electrotechnical industry. Dominant positions in the markets of this branch borrow(occupy) the American and Japanese companies. Nevertheless among the concerns - billionaires working in this branch, there are such English companies, as " Дженерал the electrician "," Торн имай "," Бик "," Плесси "," Метал boxing "," Ракал электроникс "," Бэбкок интернэшнл "." Дженерал the electrician " is conducting electrotechnical company of the country. She(it) specializes on manufacture of the power equipment, electronics, automatics and telemechanics, electrical household appliances. Резинотехническая the industry. Into number of conducting companies of branch enters " Данлоп холдингс ". She(it) specializes on manufacture of trunks, an electrotechnical cable, the sports goods. Ferrous metallurgy. The branch is one of most высокомонополизированных branches of a world(global) capitalist facilities(economy). In England of steel of 90 percents and 75 percents of steel hire it is made by the company " Бритиш стил ". Nonferrous metallurgy. Two English companies - " Рио Тинто-зинк "?" Джонсон Маттей " - are included into number 25 of the largest manufacturers of nonferrous metals in the capitalist world. The concern " Рио Тинто-зинк " supervises 40 companies on extraction of ore and manufacture of nonferrous metals in many countries of the world. About 13 percents of actives of the company it is concentrated in the Great Britain, 46 percents - in Australia and New Zealand, other actives - in the countries of Africa, the Western Europe. Extraction and manufacture меди, gold, aluminium, lead and zinc, uranium, tin - the basic spheres of the appendix of the capital of the company. The chemical industry. The basic manufacturers in branch are 75 chemical concerns from which 35 concerns supervise more than 40 percents of manufacture of chemical production in the capitalist countries. The English giants concern to the last " Империэл груп ", " Бичем груп ", "Куртолдз", " the football Boot груп ", " the SIDE груп ", " Глэксо холдингс ", " Вэлкам фаундейшн " also. The largest chemical company of Great Britain ИКИ. At the same time it is the fifth in the world chemical concern on a sales volume. Fine and average business. Large monopolies are not unique subjects of economic life of the Great Britain. In the country 1,3 million fine and moderate-sized firms is totaled from above. From them 57 thousand - the industrial, which Last play be relative less important role in national economy, than fine and moderate-sized firms of France, Italy, Germany, Japan in economic life of the countries. Fine firms function now practically in all spheres of economy: in sphere of industrial production, services, trade. Fine and moderate-sized firms play a special role of the Great Britain in development "high technology", or "hi-tech", branches (electronics, biotechnology, chemistry, instrument making). " Венчурные ", or внедренческие, the firms working in the given areas, are engaged in development of new kinds of technologies and products, finishing of new ideas up to a stage of introduction in manufacture. The large British companies frequently establish flexible economic and industrial communications(connections) with fine and moderate-sized firms, involving them in an orbit of the economic activities. Foreign operations are an integral part of activity small and moderate-sized firms in spite of the fact that the external economic sphere still remains area where the priority belongs to the large companies. With the purpose of activization of foreign trade activities fine and moderate-sized firms in the Great Britain it is developed and the program of the state guarantees is carried out. The state takes personally up to 50 percents of all charges of the firms connected to the period of organizational becoming abroad, creation of marketing offices abroad, an establishment of the first contacts to consumers. The firm - exporter compensates these sums only in case of successful export activity. Now small and average British firms gradually increase not only export of goods and services, but also export of the enterprise capital by creation abroad the branches. The English fine and average companies form the industrial branches in the Western Europe, USA, Australia, Africa. About 50 percents selectively interrogated small and moderate-sized firms in the Great Britain, from among creating foreign branches, complex(difficult) technological processes bear(take out) abroad. Banks. London - the largest after New York the international financial centre. His(its) positions constantly amplify due to growth of scales of operations in the markets of eurocurrencies and eurobonds which basic centre it(he) is. On the sum of a revolution in the international monetary markets and the markets of capitals London strongly holds leading positions in the world. Кредитно-bank system of the Great Britain one of the most advanced in the capitalist world. For it(her) wide branching and the big variety of various types of финансово-bank institutes are characteristic a high level of "division of labour" between various financial establishments. Advertising and agency firms. In the Great Britain exists a little сот the specialized advertising agencies which organize advertising activity for industrial, trading, bank and other companies. Advertising agencies of the Great Britain use all possible(probable) mass media in the activity: press, TV, advertising by mail, special commercial broadcasting and films. Independent agency firms are the oldest type of the trading companies. Firms specialize on import and the subsequent realization through an own filial network (or a network of the third firm) the goods and services of the various companies on the basis of the conclusion of agency agreements. Special activity of firm show in the markets which are considered too small that the firm - manufacturer of production founded(established) there own marketing branch. Инжиниринговые the companies. And х it is possible to subdivide into two categories. The first - a construction, designing of objects of an infrastructure: the airports, ports, irrigational systems, railways, motorways, bridges etc. the Second category of services includes development of projects and construction of objects of directly industrial purpose(assignment): the most typical for the Great Britain is the construction petrochemical and газоперерабатывающих complexes, creation of hydroelectric power stations and энергосетей, nuclear and thermal power stations, the enterprises of the food and chemical industry. Consulting firms. In the Great Britain functions about 9 thousand consulting firms. More than 3 thousand from them are members of Institute of advisers in the field of management, and 27 - the largest - enter into Association of consultations in the field of management. About 10 percents of all incomes of the British consulting firms falls to foreign operations. Consulting firms render and the certain help to foreign exporters in studying the British market, the markets of the third countries, preparation of marketing researches. They carry out on a commercial basis selection of the economic information, preparation of commercial researches for questions of the organization and production management, foreign trade, and also researches on the separate commodity markets. The certain interest from this point of view represents the British bureau of advisers uniting about 300 British consulting companies. The bureau is the noncommercial association recognized as the British government as association on granting of a various sort of consultations by the British experts. Members of a bureau can carry out orders of the private(individual) and governmental organizations of the various countries in close contact to local consulting firms. To number of the consulting firms already having an operational experience with the Russian partners, it is possible to attribute(relate) the company " Бэйкер энд Маккензи ", rendering services to the British and foreign clients in the field of various aspects of business business, and including in the field of planning investments. Firm " Terner Kennet Brown, Солиситорз " - one of the companies in the London City, specializing first of all on consulting services in the field of the finance (the international operations on stock exchanges, questions of the taxation, a banking, joint-stock participation). The firm " Уайд Сэпт " is borrowed(occupied) with consultation in the field of the English legislation, including a banking, trade, joint ventures, the taxation, hiring of a labour, general(common) commercial and a property right, a marine law etc. Marketing, advertising, exhibitions and fairs. In the Great Britain operates more than hundred the firms specializing on realization of various kinds of market researches under orders. The majority of them is located in London. Among works carried out by them - researches of the markets of consumer goods, including studying of their firm structure and the attitude(relation) of buyers to those or other goods, gathering of the information through a retail trading network, the analysis of efficiency of spent publicities etc. In the Great Britain there is the ramified network serving selling of the diversified goods and covering all territory of the country. Firms of wholesale trade keep strong positions in selling a lot of the goods, is especial the foodstuffs and drinks, industrial materials, mineral oil. In retail trade it is totaled up to 300 thousand firms and about 400 thousand shops. The annual turnover of retail trade makes about 100 billion ф. An item. Firms посылочной trade have among the regular clients about 20 million inhabitants of the Great Britain. Advertising represents hardly probable not the most expensive element of marketing. The general(common) charges on it(her) in the Great Britain make from above 5 billion ф. An item. National editions can be effectively used basically for professional advertising mass demand. Foreign enterprise activity in the Great Britain. Attractiveness of this country for foreign businessmen speaks a combination several обстоятельств:-almost full absence in the country of restrictions for the foreign companies; - a high level of development of the English economy; - good rates of its(her) development last decade; - the big capacity and диверсифицированностью the English market; - traditionally extensive foreign economic relations, including position of London as one of the main world(global) centres of exchange, financial, insurance and other services. In the Great Britain there are no the social laws regulating foreign investments. In result foreign businessmen can found(establish) or buy already working companies (entirely and in part) on the same bases, as national businessmen. Deviations from this so-called "national treatment" for foreign businessmen are not numerous and are reduced to the following: for foreigners there are restrictions on enterprise activity in the aerospace industry, on aviation and sea transport, in the film-industry, a body and broadcasting. For them participation in performance of the state orders for rendering assistance to foreign countries is limited. In the country there is no also currency control that facilitates movement of the capital between the Great Britain and other countries. The bank of England only registers this movement. In 1985 the new Certificate(act) about the companies, consisting of 747 clauses(articles) and numerous appendices which have incorporated a significant part of former certificates(acts) about the companies was accepted. The certificate(act) of 1976 adjusts establishment and company registration, transformation of the companies of one kind to the companies of other kind, issue of securities, distribution of the profit, the reporting, duties of officials of the companies, attitudes(relations) in the field of an administrative office of the companies, questions of merge, division and liquidation of the companies, attitudes(relations) between parent and affiliated companies, including a legal status of the foreign companies.