My thoughts about Britain.

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History of London

Facts about districts of Britain 

History of the Britain


Religion and culture in our time

Politic economy




Britain was part of Roman empire in 43 year up to AD and there were there up to 410 years when римлян have superseded them, saxophones and other tribes. In 1066 fine kingdoms of the Great Britain were won by norman commander Vil'gel'mom and incorporated into the uniform state.
In 1215 king John landless has signed the Guarantee of rights providing верховенство of the Law and Магна Card(map) IY (the document till this moment is one of organic laws of the country).
In 1338 England has entered war with France, proceeding till 1453. Almost right after its(her) terminations(endings) war for the English throne (War of Roses) terminated in 1485 victory of dynasty Тюдеров has flashed.

During reign of Queen Elizaveta I (1558 - 1603) England has turned to great sea power and has received rather extensive colonies on several continents. In 1603 when Scottish King Jakov IY, was crowned, on the English throne as King Jakov 1, unifying process between England and Scotland began.
The kingdom of the Great Britain was proclaimed after signing the certificate(act) about association in 1707. From now on London became capital of the uniform state. In 1642 - 1649 the arisen conflict between royal house Стюартов and parliament has resulted in bloody civil war as a result of which the Republic was proclaimed led by Оливером Кромвелем. However rights of King were are considerably cut down, and actually completeness of authority was at parliament.
At the end of 18 centuries the Great Britain has lost 13 colonies on the American continent, but at the same time has considerably strengthened the positions in Canada and India.
In 1801 Ireland was attached to Kingdom.
In 1815 the Great Britain has played rather big role in route of napoleonic army that has strengthened its(her) position, one of the major European powers.
During board of Queen Victoria (1837 - 1901гг.) the country has expanded the colonial possession.
After the First World war, the Great Britain was in a heavy economic situation that has allowed Ireland to proclaim independence in 1921. After the Second World war national problems in Scotland and Northern Ireland have become aggravated. Especially drama character was accepted with events in Northern Ireland where since 1969 war was actually conducted.
In August, 1994 the Irish republican army (ИРА) has declared unilateral cease-fire, and the peace process which has begun in the beginning by 90 negotiations between the governments of the Great Britain and Ireland of the beginnings to develop much faster. The arrangement on settlement of disagreements by peace political means was achieved. However dissatisfied with a course of negotiations insurgents ИРА in 1996 again have renewed the terrorist activity proceeding and now.
In 1931 British Commonwealth (since 1947 Commonwealth) which structure now includes 54 countries - a member, nowadays the independent states (with the different status) was created. Some of them, such as Fidji, Cameroon, Namibia, the republic of South Africa were part of Commonwealth at the end of 90th years of XX century.

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